Sunday, May 18, 2008

VangoNotes for Psychology: Core Concepts

Study on the go with VangoNotes. Just download chapter reviews from Psychology: Core Concepts, 5/e and listen to them on your mp3 player. Now wherever you are -- whatever you're doing -- you can study by listening to the following for each chapter of your textbook:

Big Ideas: Your "need to know" for each chapter
Practice Test: A gut check for the Big Ideas - tells you if you need to keep studying
Key Terms: Audio "flashcards" to help you review key concepts and terms
Rapid Review: A quick drill session - use it right before your test

VangoNotes are flexible; download all the material directly to your player, or only the chapters you need. And they're efficient. Use them in your car, at the gym, walking to class, wherever. So get yours today. And get studying.

Psychology: Core Concepts, 5/e
Ch 1: Mind, Behavior, and Science
Ch 2: Biopsychology
Ch 3: States of Mind
Ch 4: Psychological Development
Ch 5: Sensation and Perception
Chs 6 & 7: Learning & Memory
Ch 8: Thinking and Intelligence
Ch 9: Emotion and Motivation
Ch 10: Stress, Health, and Well-Being
Ch 11: Personality
Ch 12: Psychopathology
Ch 13: Therapies for Mental Disorder
Ch 14: Social Psychology

Chapters 1-5

Chapters 5-10

Chapters 10-15

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